Hi Dorsa:
I love your post! Your blog post does an excellent job of exploring the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and accessibility in digital education. Also, The video you linked was a great resource, and I found the examples really helpful for understanding how UDL removes barriers for students.
I had to say that Your section on the ethical challenges of EdTech was also insightful. You raised some crucial points about privacy and the digital divide. Do you think there are specific steps schools or educators can take to address algorithmic bias in learning platforms? It’s a complex issue, but one worth tackling.
Lastly, your example from the painting class was a perfect way to illustrate how UDL could be applied in practice. Offering varied assessment options, like allowing students to work with different media, would indeed make the learning environment more inclusive. Have you encountered other situations where UDL principles could have improved the learning experience?
Thanks for sharing these valuable insights—it’s clear you’re deeply engaged with these ideas.

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